Gaist Announce Partnership With Safecote

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A new partnership announced in June 2021 between leading digital mapping company, Gaist and winter service specialists Safecote, is set to transform winter service provision for Local Authorities in the UK.

The partnership will see dynamic datasets made accessible to provide a step-change in the level of intelligence available to network managers.

Keeping the nation’s vital networks open and safe during the winter period, while also achieving best value from their winter maintenance budgets, presents a significant responsibility for UK councils.

Nightly decision making by Winter Duty Managers over how and when to treat the 225,000 miles of network, has traditionally been based on Road Weather Information Systems which combine weather forecast data with road temperature and condition data. Sensors embedded in the roads are connected by cable or mobile phone technology to automatic weather stations. Though time tested, the limitations of these systems are well documented.

Working with Safecote – a long established and highly regarded provider of winter service solutions – Gaist is now able to make available dynamic data sets which exploit this new technology.

Using real-time data captured from passenger vehicles, the data-sets combine road friction, atmospheric readings and roughness indicators to create a set of map layers to give winter maintenance professionals access to an unprecedented level of detailed information with which to inform their decisions.

For further information on this transformational winter service solution, please contact: Christina Liassides

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RAMS framework

The services we provide can easily be procured under the RAMS (Road Asset Management System) framework. The Procurement of the RAMS framework has been undertaken in accordance with Public Contract Regulations, 2015. The tender process was carried out under the Open Procedure following the publication of Find A Tender Service contract notice, publication number 2021/S 000-000293 dated 07/01/2021. This framework is available to any Contracting Authority in England and Wales that is a ‘Local Authority’ as defined in Section 270 of The Local Government Act 1972, and the Department for Transport.

The first step is to complete and submit the Access Agreement form on the RAMS Framework website and once approved by Blackpool Council (The Framework administrative authority) you will have access to the members area where all of the relevant contract documentation can be downloaded.

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